RingQ logo with slogan

Try RingQ for Free Today!

Whether you’re looking for a contact center solution, a Hotel PBX or a regular cloud PBX with RingQ you’ll be up and running in no time! With our free 7 day trial there’s no initial investment, you only pay once your trial is over and if you’re happy with the solution!!! 

The free trial is for up to 10 extensions/users with 5 mins airtime and 1 DID and includes video conferencing for all users.   

You start paying when your trial ends.
For now, it’s on us!

Fill in the form and you’ll receive an email with getting started instructions. It’s easy and straightforward with our web configuration wizard. No downloads or installs needed! 

RingQ logo with slogan

RingQ is a leading U.S PBX developer and telecom company.
